- If you have been actively ill with a fever or persistent cough or any suspicious symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days, please do not come into the office.
- We strongly recommend that you wait in your car instead of sitting in the waiting area of our office if it is possible, which will significantly reduce the chance of cross-infection and keep your social distance. When you arrive at our parking lot for your appointment, please give us a call, we will let you come to our acupuncture or physical therapy room directly.
- Please have a mask on and carry a sanitizer to wash your hands before entering our office. We will also provide hand sanitizer after you enter our office.
- Please use a paper towel to touch the doorknob, elevator buttons, etc., for your entering our office and building. Please throw away the towel in our non-touch garbage can as soon as you enter our office.
- We will disinfect all the acupuncture, physical therapy, front desk, office rooms, waiting area, high-touch surfaces and equipment with the sanitizer solution, and, more importantly, with 60 Watts UV light irradiation for a specific time, which will kill most of the virus and bacteria on the surface.
- Employees will continue their hand- sanitizing procedures between each patient.
- We suggest that you bring your own gown for the acupuncture treatment for safety. If you don’t have one, we, of course, will provide you with a single-use gown. We will also use a single-use towel.
- All the employees will wear a surgical level 2 or higher grade mask, facial shield, gown, gloves, etc. to protect everybody.
- All patients and employees shall cover the occasional cough or sneeze and make use of our hand-sanitizer stations immediately afterward.
- Please have a look at our current office.